Why Us?

Accurate grasp of business needs

With our founding partner having held senior roles in the legal and regulatory teams at some of the most reputed businesses in India and the UK, we understand how legal and regulatory requirements impact an organisation’s operations and its many stakeholders. We aim to assess, anticipate, and address existing as well as potential legal issues that affect a business.

Distinct frame of reference

Our founding partner has worked in-house at leading business establishments and at globally reputed law firms, in India and Europe. This unique experience lets us take both, an outside-in and inside-out view, of a company’s legal requirements and apply multiple perspectives to address legal questions.


Lawyers often venture into uncharted areas while applying legal principles to address questions in emerging areas of law. Besides reliance on precedents, this requires a deep understanding of the law, its principles and its application. By combining legal expertise (our capabilities, and also of external practitioners) with our founding partner’s multi-jurisdictional experience, we seek to guide companies in emerging areas of law and regulations.

Our services are guided by the following principles

Trust and transparency

Trust is at the forefront of our law practice. We will be upfront with you about our capabilities – what we can do, what we cannot, and where we need to involve specialists. We will be transparent with our fee structure and communicate changes in a timely manner – no surprises.


Our advice will be simple, straight forward, and accessible, and our documents understandable. We will not unnecessarily complicate our advice to prove our technical knowledge.


Good processes are essential for the consistent delivery of high-quality legal services of an international standard. We will apply our experience and knowledge to build a robust process for the delivery of legal services.


We will identify and focus on the aspects of a transaction where our intervention brings the highest value to a client. In our commitment to process and value, we will involve other entities – secretarial firms, accountancy firms, or other service providers – where client interests are so better served. We have a network of such service providers to support our clients’ needs.


High fees should not be a constraint to accessing high-quality legal services. We will provide pro-bono services in our areas of expertise to fulfill our commitment to access.

To know more about us, write to [email protected]